Here’s what current parents have to say…
“Though we enrolled our child in Crossway because it was a Forest School, we were astonished by how he thrived in the outdoor world of the school. In his third year, we see how much the leaders’ and guides’ attention to caring and respect for others and to the world around him has formed our son. He often reminds us that ants are beneficial to the earth and that rain makes plants grow. He just told me yesterday that he couldn’t wait to tell his teacher about a new game we’d played. And he comes home singing about peace like a river in his soul.
We also appreciate the care and attention everyone at the school gives to every child. We’ve learned how important “parent education” is to a child’s growth at school! ”
“Just a quick note that when I asked Ela how her day was she said “my day was GREAT!” I see such a difference in her already - she’s so happy to be back. Thank you for being incredibly flexible and creative in these crazy times.”
“When we visited the new outdoor campus, we were amazed by the changes and how thoughtfully and imaginatively health and safety protocols were put into the service of our children and their education. It’s a true investment in Crossway and its students. I know that the public schools will simply not have the space, money, or agility to make these type of changes. It’s a wonderful mix of agriculture, the natural world, and a classroom.”
“The outdoor campus allows for safe, socially-distanced learning. Once again, Crossway is at the cutting edge and providing a model for other institutions to follow. We noticed a big difference in our children after the first day of the summer program. They were calmer, more able to focus, and had easily picked back up their routine of sitting at the table for an entire meal without a huge fuss.”