Nido Fall Supply List for Dressing and Feeding

Keep clothing simple and functional for the outdoors

Freedom of movement is a hallmark of a Montessori environment. Children are free to walk around the room or the outdoor space and sit where they please. This same principle applies to babies. In the first year of life, learning to move and control their body is one of a baby's most important jobs. 

While inside, your baby’s feet will be kept uncovered as much as possible to allow free movement, good balance, and the ability to grip the floor or mat with their toes. While outside, see the recommended foot covering below.

Your child will need:

  • Long sleeve and short sleeve white cotton onesies, (3 per day)

  • Navy cotton jersey leggings (2 per day)

  • Robeez shoes when outside

  • Enough diapers and wipes for each day

  • Diaper cream if needed 

  • If your child walks, you can send in underwear to practice bathroom independence. Check with the Montessori Guide at the appropriate time.

Feeding your baby

Montessori focuses on self-feeding where a child is introduced to all the tools used in his culture for eating. This helps the child who is becoming independent to fully participate in the community experience of the meal. Your child should have tools that are sized for their hands instead of ours. Your child will need:

  • Bottles and formula/breast milk for each day

  • Solid food for each day. Please follow your pediatrician's guidelines for introducing solid foods. (To avoid allergic reactions at school, bring those solid foods that your child has eaten at home at least three times.) 

  • Utensils (4 child-size spoons)

  • Small glasses (4 glasses--shot glasses are great!)

  • White dessert plates or small bowls

  • Bibs with Velcro (4 per day) Target

  • 2 wet bags (one for clean dishes and one for dirty dishes and bottles)

Ikea is a great place to look for utensils and dishes. Try Target or Amazon for bibs and wet bags. Don’t hesitate to ask your child’s Montessori Guide for tips on where to find certain items.